Traditional Chinese Medicine has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It is a holistic approach to the prevention and treatment of disease. The body is viewed as a whole with the root cause of illness as well as the symptoms being addressed. Traditional Chinese Medicine exerts its effect by treating and rebalancing disharmonies within the body which affect the organs, Qi (life force or vital energy), yin, yang and body fluids. Treatment consists of the use of Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxa, cupping and tui na massage.
Meridian Lines offers the following services:
Traditional Chinese Herbs
This is a procedure where fine needles are inserted into specific points around the body. The needles are all single use and are in individual sterile blister packs which are opened only as needed.
It is a painless procedure although a sensation can be felt, usually a distending sensation; pins and needles or numbness may be experienced. The needles usually remain in the skin for 15 to 20 minutes.
Acupressure (a blend of "acupuncture" and "pressure") is a traditional Chinese medicine technique derived from acupuncture. In acupressure, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the hand, elbow, or with various devices.
Tui Na
Tui Na is the Traditional Chinese Medicine remedial massage. It works on the acupuncture points and meridians with specific techniques which are unique to this style of massage. Our clinic also offers Thai oil massage, traditional Thai foot massage and Swedish style relaxation massage.
Traditional Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs are used to rebalance the disharmonies within the body which cause disease. The formulas are personalized for each individual as no two conditions are exactly the same. Herbal medicine can take several forms. Raw herbs need to be boiled and are then taken as a tea; powders can be mixed with water or juice and then taken; and lastly, pre-formulated pills can also be prescribed.
This is a technique where glass or bamboo cups are placed on the skin using suction. The recipient is usually lying down with the area to be cupped exposed. Cupping is a safe, painless, non-invasive technique used to treat muscle and joint pain and spasms as well as lung conditions and problems with internal organs. Due to its nature, cupping may leave a painless circular bruising mark which may last for between 2 and 12 days. One session typically takes 20 minutes.
Moxa is a compound primarily made of mugwort. It is normally in the form of a cigar shaped roll. Moxa is burned above the skin to warm the acupuncture points. It can be placed over the end of an inserted acupuncture needle or placed directly on the skin